Monday, 20 August 2012

Animals around Sheffield in 1843

Extract from "The Vital Statistics of Sheffield" by G.Calvert Holland, Esq., M.D. 1843

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Quadrupeds found in the neighbourhood of Sheffield. Those marked * are very rare.

*Badger,                                                    Meles Taxus.
*Marten,                                                    Mustela Foina.
Pole-cat,                                                    M. putorius.
Weasel,                                                     M. vulgaris.
Stoat,                                                         M. erminea.
*Otter,                                                        Lutra vulgaris.
Fox,                                                           Vulpes vulgaris.
Mole,                                                         Talpa Europea.
Common Shrew,                                       Sorex Utragonurua.
Water Shrew,                                            Sorea fodiens.
Hedge hog,                                                Erinaceus Europeus.
Pipistrelle.                                                  Vespertilio Pipistrellus.
Greater long eared bat,                             Vespertilio Auritus.
Squirrel,                                                     Sciurus vulgaris.
Dormouse,                                                Myoaus avellanarius.
Field Mouse,                                              Mus sylvaticus.
House Mouse,                                           Mus musculus.
Rat,                                                            Mus decumanus.
Water Rat,                                                 Arvicola Amphi
Hare,                                                         Lepus Timidus.
Rabbit,                                                       Lepus Cuniculus.

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The book is available as a PDF of scanned pages, and as OCRed plain text from Google Books.  The above text has been cleaned-up from the OCRed text.

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